Jam dh menunjukkan detik 2.12 am..sok ade kelas pagi plak tu...adoi..ni semua akibat terlalu asyik nk meng-edit blog ni...huhu..biasela, beginners...semua br nk try & explore...
Anyway, before I go to sleep (which will be in a few minutes from now), just wanted to express my gratitude towards dr. ct for the opportunity given to attend the PERMATApintar UKM seminar ysterday morning...actually tak pernah aware pun of such programs since there were none in Malaysia...skrg program ni dh pn wujud di Malaysia, UKM plak tu perintisnya...bangga bangga...
Another thing that I'm very amazed was the computer games based learning programs which were developed by a groups of experts from various fields..memang sgt2 interesting...even I feel like playing the game...so much like final fantasy or any online games available at the moment...kalau mcm ni la, tak mustahil student2 akan lebih berminat utk belajar mathematics...I wish there will be more of this kind of learning based programs develop for other subjects as well in the future...
noises in the concrete jungle
12 years ago